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2. Xu D#, Bai J#, Zhang L, Shen L, Wang LL, Liu ZF, Xia LP, Wang H*. Prenatal nicotine exposure-induced intrauterine programming alteration increases the susceptibility of high-fat diet-induced non-alcoholic simple fatty liver in female adult offspring rats. Toxicol Res 2015; 4 (1):112-20.
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7. Feng JH*#, Yan YE, Liang G, Liu YS, Li XJ, Zhang B J, Chen LB, Yu H, He XH, Wang H*. Maternal and fetal metabonomic alterations in prenatal nicotine exposure-induced rat intrauterine growth retardation. Mol Cell Endocrinol. Accepted. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2014;394(1-2):59-69.
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10. Xia LP#, Shen L#, Kou H, Zhang BJ, Zhang L, Wu Y, Li XJ, Xiong J, Yu Y, Wang H*. Prenatal ethanol exposure enhance the susceptibility to metabolic syndrome in offspring rats by HPA axis-associated neuroendocrine metabolic programming. Toxicol lett. 2014;226:98-105.
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14. Wang LL#, Shen L#, Ping J, Zhang L, Liu ZF, Wu Y, Liu YS, Huang HG, Chen LB, Wang H*. Intrauterine metabolic programming alteration increased susceptibility to non-alcoholic adult fatty liver disease in prenatal caffeine-exposed rat offspring. Toxicol lett. 2014;224(3):311-8.
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19. Zhang L#, Xu D#, Zhang B, Liu Y, Chu F, Guo Y, Gong J, Zheng X, Chen L, Wang H*. Prenatal food restriction induces a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis-associated neuroendocrine metabolic programmed alteration in adult offspring rats. Arch Med Res 2013;44:335-45.
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