徐丹 副教授, 博士生导师
徐丹 副教授, 博士生导师


2、学科专业: 药理学






5、联系电话: 027-68758959  15972228956

6、Email: xuyidan70188@whu.edu.cn


    2007/09 -2010/06,武汉大学,基础医学院药理学系,博士





    2011/01 -2012/12,武汉大学,基础医学院药理学系,讲师

    2010/07 -2012/06,武汉大学,生命科学学院发育生物学,博士后


  1. 9、目前主要科学研究领域和兴趣



    承担研究生、本科生、留学生(全英)的教学; 积极开展教学研究;发表教学论文1篇;参编教材1部。


Lu J, Wen YX, Zhang L, Zhang C, Zhong WH, Zhang L, Yu Ying, Chen LB, Xu D*, Wang H*. Prenatal ethanol exposure induces an intrauterine programming of enhanced sensitivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in female offspring rats fed with post-weaning high-fat diet. Toxicol Res. 2015; 4(5): 1238-1249.

Xu D, Bai J, Zhang L, Shen L, Wang LL, Liu ZF, Xia LP, Wang H. Prenatal nicotine exposure-induced intrauterine programming alteration increases the susceptibility of high-fat diet-induced non-alcoholic simple fatty liver in female adult offspring rats. Toxicol Res. 2015; 4(1): 112-120.

Zhang C, Xu D (Co-first author), Luo HW, Lu J, Liu L, Ping J, Wang H. Prenatal xenobiotic exposure and intrauterine hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis programming alteration. Toxicology. 2014. Accepted.

Xu D, Xia LP, Shen L, Lei YY, Liu L, Zhang L, Magdalou J, Wang H. Prenatal nicotine exposure enhances the susceptibility to metabolic syndrome in adult offspring rats fed high-fat diet via alteration of HPA axis-associated neuroendocrine metabolic programming. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 34(12), 1526-34, 2013.

Zhang L, Xu D (Co-first author), Zhang B, Liu Y, Chu F, Guo Y, Gong J, Zheng X, Chen L, Wang H. Prenatal food restriction induces a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis-associated neuroendocrine metabolic programmed alteration in adult offspring rats. Arch Med Res, 44(5), 335-45, 2013.

Xu D, Liang G, Yan YE, He WW, Liu YS, Chen LB, Magdalou J, Wang H. Nicotine-induced over-exposure to maternal glucocorticoid and activated glucocorticoid metabolism causes hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis-associated neuroendocrine metabolic alterations in fetal rats. Toxicol Lett, 209(3), 282-90, 2012.

Xu D, Wu Y, Liu F, Liu YS, Shen L, Lei YY, Liu J, Ping J, Qin J, Zhang C, Chen LB, Magdalou J, Wang H. A hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis-associated neuroendocrine metabolic programmed alteration in offspring rats of IUGR induced by prenatal caffeine ingestion. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 264(3), 395-403, 2012.

Xu D, Zhang BJ, Liang G, Ping J, Kou H, Li XJ, Xiong J, Chen LB, Magdalou J, Wang H. Caffeine-induced activated glucocorticoid metabolism in hippocampus causes hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis inhibition in fetal rats. PLoS ONE, 7(9), e44497, 2012.

Liu YS, Xu D (Co-first author), Feng JH, Kou H, Liang G, Yu H, He XH, Zhang BF, Chen LB, Magdalou J, Wang H. Fetal rat metabonome alteration by prenatal caffeine ingestion probably due to the increased circulatory glucocorticoid level and altered peripheral glucose and lipid metabolic pathways. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 262(2), 205-16, 2012.

Xu D, Chen M, Pan XL, Xia LP, Wang H. Dexamethasone induces fetal developmental toxicity through affecting the placental glucocorticoid barrier and depressing fetal adrenal function. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol, 32(3), 356-63, 2011. 被国际生物和医学论文评价系统“Faculty of 1000”选为“推荐”论文(http://f1000.com/14264021)