
undefined1、职称职务: 教授,博士生/硕士生导师

2、学科专业: 病原生物学、微生物学

3、研究方向: 病毒感染免疫与肿瘤


5、联系电话: 13307180026

6、Email: ghsunlab@whu.edu.cn


1990.09~1994.06 武汉大学,攻读学士学位

2001.09~2006.06 武汉大学,攻读硕士、博士学位

8、主要工作经历与任职 :

1994.07~2013.05 武汉大学基础医学院结构中心,讲师,副教授

2008.10~2010.10 美国国立卫生研究所(NIH),访问学者

2013.05~2016.10 武汉大学微生物教研室,副教授

2016.11~至今    武汉大学微生物教研室,教授



利用小分子调控病毒复制和肿瘤的产生: 主要目标是尝试利用小分子RNA、小分子多肽等干扰病毒感染和复制,抑制肿瘤的产生。


分别给临床五、七、八年制学生,口腔五、八年制学生,健康学院护理班、护理国际班和全球健康学生,药学院学生讲授《医学微生物学》 《病原生物学》 《微生物学》 和《生物医学制药工程课程》等课程;参与《临床微生物学》《病原生物学》研究生课程的教学。参编国家级规划教材和配套教辅教材,公开发表教学论文2篇,并获武汉大学教学论文三等奖。指导的研究生获国家奖学金5人次,获国家创新奖一等奖1人次。指导大学生创新实验项目5项(国家级一项),其中多名本科生参与发表SCI论文多篇。


曾受邀担任The FASEB Journal、BBA、J Cancer、Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine和PLoS One等多种SCI杂志审稿专家,教育部学位与研究生教育评估专家,以及国家自然科学基金评审专家。担任2015级临床8年制3班的班级导师,2016获得武汉大学“烛光导航工程”优秀导航师。


1. Wang J, Chen J, Liu Y, Zeng X, Wei M, Wu S, Xiong Q, Song F, Yuan X, Xiao Y, Cao Y, Li C, Chen L, Guo M, Shi YB, Sun G*, Guo D*. Hepatitis B Virus Induces Autophagy to Promote its Replication by the Axis of miR-192-3p-XIAP via NF-κB Signaling. Hepatology. 2019; 69(3):974-992.

2. Song F, Wei M, Wang J, Liu Y, Guo M, Li X, Luo J, Zhou J, Wang M, Guo D, Chen L*Sun G*. Hepatitis B virus-regulated growth of liver cancer cells occurs through the microRNA-340-5p-activating transcription factor 7-heat shock protein A member 1B axis. Cancer Sci. 2019; 110(5):1633-1643.  

3. Wang J, Sun G*. The function of autophagy in diseases caused by hepatitis B virus. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2019; 64( 30): 3109-3122.in Chinese)

4. Guo Y, Wang J, Yuan S, Guo S, Liu D, Sun G*. The regulation of HBx in hepatitis B virus replication. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2019; 64( 30): 3101-3108. in Chinese)

5. Xiong Q, Wu S, Wang J, Zeng X, Chen J, Wei M, Guan H, Fan C, Chen L*, Guo D*, Sun G*. Hepatitis B virus promotes cancer cell migration by downregulating miR-340-5p expression to induce STAT3 overexpression. Cell Biosci. 2017; 7:16.

6. Liu Z, Song F, Ma ZL, Xiong Q, Wang J, Guo D, Sun G*. Bivalent Copper Ions Promote Fibrillar Aggregation of KCTD1 and Induce Cytotoxicity. Sci Rep. 2016; 6:32658.

7. Sun G*, Roediger J, Shi YB. Thyroid hormone regulation of adult intestinal stem cells: Implications on intestinal development and homeostasis. Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2016; 17(4):559-569.

8. He M, Lin Y, Tang Y, Liu Y, Zhou W, Li C, Sun G*, Guo M*. miR-638 suppresses DNA damage repair by targeting SMC1A expression in terminally differentiated cells. Aging (Albany NY)2016l; 8(7):1442-56.

9. Sun G, Fu L, Wen L, Shi YB. Activation of Sox3 gene by thyroid hormone in the developing adult intestinal stem cell during Xenopus metamorphosis. Endocrinology. 2014; 155(12):5024-32.

10. Luu N, Wen L, Fu L, Fujimoto K, Shi YB*, Sun G*. Differential regulation of two histidine ammonia-lyase genes during Xenopus development implicates distinct functions during thyroid hormone-induced formation of adult stem cells. Cell Biosci. 2013; 3(1):43.

11. Sun G, Fu L, Shi YB. Epigenetic regulation of thyroid hormone-induced adult intestinal stem cell development during anuran metamorphosis. Cell Biosci. 2014; 28; 4:73.

12. Liu Z, Xiang Y, Sun G*. The KCTD family of proteins: structure, function, disease relevance. Cell Biosci. 2013; 24; 3(1):45.

13. Sun G, Heimeier RA, Fu L, Hasebe T, Das B, Ishizuya-Oka A, Shi YB. Expression profiling of intestinal tissues implicates tissue-specific genes and pathways essential for thyroid hormone-induced adult stem cell development. Endocrinology. 2013; 154(11):4396-407.