
1. 职称职务:教授、博士生导师                                                   张瑞霖

2. 学科专业:生物化学与分子生物学

3. 研究方向:心血管发育与代谢疾病模型

4. 实验室位置基础医学院3号楼5楼                                                     

5. Emailzhangruilin@whu.edu.cn

6. 学习经历:



7. 主要工作经历与任职:




8. 目前主要科学研究领域和兴趣:


9. 主要学术兼职:中国斑马鱼学会理事

10. 教学情况


11. 荣誉及获奖:2020年度蔡司斑马鱼科学研究优秀青年学者奖

12. 代表性论文

(1)Peng Y, Wang W, Fang Y, Hu H, Chang N, Pang M, Hu Y, Li X, Long H, Xiong J, Zhang R*. Inhibition of Tgf-b/Smad3 signaling disrupts cardiomyocyte cell cycle progression and epithelial-mesenchymal transition-like response during ventricle regeneration. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 9: 632372(2021).

(2)Ren Y, Li X, Tian Z, Xu Y, Zhang R*, Li Y*. Zebrafish as an animal model for the antiviral RNA interference pathway. Journal of General Virology. Epub(2021).

(3)Li X, Lu Q, Peng Y, Geng F, Shao X, Zhou H, Cao Y, Zhang R*. Primary cilia mediate Klf2-dependant Notch activation in regenerating heart. Protein & Cell. 11: 433-445(2020).

(4)Shao X, Fu Y, Ma J, Li X, Lu C*, Zhang R*. Functional alterations and transcriptomic changes during zebrafish cardiac aging. Biogerontology. 21:637–652(2020).

(5)Liang S#, Shi X#, Yu C#, Shao X, Zhou H, Li X, Chang C, Laa KS, Ma J, Zhang R. Identification of novel candidate genes in heterotaxy syndrome patients with congenital heart diseases by whole exome sequencing. BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease. 1866: 165906(2020).

(6)Galvez-Santisteban M#, Chen D#, Zhang R#, Serrano R, Nguyen C, Zhao L, Nerb L, Masutani E, Vermot J, Burns J, Burns C, del Alamo J, Chi C*. Hemodynamic-mediated endocardial signaling controls in vivo myocardial reprogramming. eLife. 8: e44816(2019).

(7)Ren J, Han P, Ma X, Farah EN, Bloomekatz J, Zeng XI, Zhang R, Swim MM, Witty AD, Knight HG, Deshpande R, Xu W, Yelon D, Chen S, Chi NC*. Canonical Wnt5b signaling directs outlying Nkx2.5+ mesoderm into pacemaker cardiomyocytes. Developmental Cell. 50: 729-743(2019).

(8)Yang D, Zheng X, Chen S, Wang Z, Xu W, Tan J, Hu T, Hou M, Wang W, Gu Z, Wang Q, Zhang R, Zhang Y, and Liu Q*. Sensing of cytosolic LPS through caspy2 pyrin domain mediates noncanonical inflammasome activation in zebrafish. Nature Communications. 9: 3052(2018).

(9)Cao X, Li C, Xiao S, Tang Y, Huang J, Zhao S, Li X, Li J, Zhang R, and Yu W*. Acetylation promotes TyrRS nuclear translocation to prevent oxidative damage. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114: 687-692(2017).

(10)Han P, Bloomekatz J, Ren J, Zhang R, Grinstein J.D, Zhao L, Burns C.G, Burns C.E, Anderson R.M, and Chi N.C*. Coordinating cardiomyocyte interactions to direct ventricular chamber morphogenesis. Nature. 534: 700-704(2016).

(11)Zhang R, Han P, Yang H, Ouyang K.F, Lee D, Lin Y.F, Ocorr K, Kang G, Chen J, Stainier Y.R.D, Yelon D, and Chi N.C*. In vivo cardiac reprogramming contributes to zebrafish heart regeneration. Nature. 498: 497-501(2013).