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Xu YY#, Du F#, Meng B, Xie GH, Cao J, Fan D, Yu H. Hepatic overexpression of methionine sulfoxide reductase A reduces atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. J. Lipid. Res. 2015, 56(10): 1891-1900 (#共同第一作者, SCI, 2, IF 4.421)

Cao J, Xu YY, Shang L, Liu HM, Du F, Yu H*. Effect of The Apolipoprotein E Mimetic Peptide EpK on Atherosclerosis in apoE-/- Mice. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2015, 42(9), 833-842. (SCI, 4区, IF 0.307)

Jin J, Peng C, Wu SZ, Chen HM, Zhang BF*. "Blocking Vegf/Caveolin-1 Signaling Contributes toRenal Protection of Fasudil in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats." Acta Pharmacol Sin 36, no. 7 (2015): 831-40. (SCI, 3区, IF: 2.912)

Cheng W, Chen S, Li R, Chen Y, Wang M*. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus protein 6 mediates ubiquitin-dependent proteosomal degradation of N-Myc (and STAT) interactor. VirolSin 30, no. 2 (2015): 153-61. (刚收录SCI,IF未知)

Miao L, Okoro EU, Cao Z, Yang H, Motley-Johnson E, Guo Z. High-density lipoprotein-mediated transcellular cholesterol transport in mouse aortic endothelial cells.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2015 Sep 18;465(2):256-61

Du F#, Yu F#, Wang Y, Hui Y, Carnevale K, Fu M, Lu H, Fan D*. MicroRNA-155 Deficiency Results in Deceased Macrophage Inflammation and Attenuated Atherogenesis in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2014, 34:759-767(#共同第一作者), SCI二区期刊

Wu SZ, Peng FF, Li JL, Ye F, Lei SQ, Zhang BF*. Akt and RhoA activation in response to high glucose require caveolin-1 phosphorylation in mesangial cells. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2014, 306(11): F1308-17. SCI二区期刊

Yongjuan Liu, Chong Fu, Suying Wu, Xiong Chen, Yingying Shi, BingfeiZhou, Lianglu Zhang, Fengfeng Zhang, Zhihao Wang, Yingying Zhang, Chengpeng Fan, Song Han, Jun Yin, Biwen Peng, Wanhong Liu, Xiaohua He.  A novel finding for enterovirus virulence from the capsid protein VP1 of EV71 circulating in mainland China. Virus Genes. 2014, 48: 260-272

Chengpeng Fan, Deepa Rajasekaran, Mansur Syed, Lin Leng, Patrick Loria, Vineet Bhandari, Richard Bucala, Elias Lolis. MIF inter-subunit disulfide mutant antagonist supports activation of CD74 by endogeneous MIF trimer at physiological concentrations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2013,110: 10994-10999

Ping L, Zhang H, Zhai L, Dammer EB, Duong DM, Li N, Yan Z, Wu J*, Xu P*. Quantitative proteomics reveals significant changes in cell shape and an energy shift after IPTG induction via an optimized SILAC approach for Escherichia coli. J Proteome Res. 2013, 12(12):5978-88.

Wu TT, Zhang BF* Ye F, Xiao ZL. A potential role for caveolin-1 in VEGF-induced fibronectin upregulation in mesangial cells: involvement of VEGFR2 and Src. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2013, 304(6): F820-30. SCI二区期刊

Wang J, Song J, Wu J, He C, Xu C, Liu Y. Leukocyte and leukocyte subset counts reveal compensatory mechanisms in coronary heart disease. Clin Chim Acta. 2013, 418:79-85.

Zhou CY, Cao J, Shang L, Tong CF, Hu HL, Wang H, Fan DP, Yu H*. Reduced paraoxonase 1 activity as a marker for severe coronary artery disease. Dis Markers 2013, 35(2):79-103.

Gregg Crichlow* Chengpeng Fan,* Camille Keeler, Michael Hodsdon, Elias Lolis. Structural Interactions Dictate the Kinetics of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Inhibition by Different Cancer-Preventive Isothiocyanates. Biochemitry 2012, 51: 7506-7514. (*: 并列第一作者).

Liu W, Luo F, He J, Cao Z, Miao L. Molecular cloning and characterization of a new cDNA sequence encoding a venom peptide from the centipede Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2012 Jul-Aug;46(4):570-5.

Liu YS, Xu D, Feng JH, Kou H, Liang G, Yu H, He XH, Zhang BF, Chen LB, Magdalou J, Wang H. Fetal rat metabonome alteration by prenatal caffeine ingestion probably due to the increasedcirculatory glucocorticoid level and altered peripheral glucose and lipid metabolic pathways. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2012, 262:205-216.

Qin J, Shang L(并列第一作者), Ping AS, Li J, Li XJ, Yu H, Magdalou J, Chen LB*, WangH*. TNF/TNFR signal transduction pathway-mediated anti-apoptosis and anti-inflammatory effects of sodium ferulate on IL-1β-induced rat osteoarthritis chondrocytes in vitro. Arthritis Res Ther. 2012;14(6): R242.

Tan Zhi, Liu Yanhong, Liang Rui, Song Jian, Liu Jinping and Wu Junzhu*. Trans fatty acids influence the oxidation of LDL in ECV304 cells. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2012, 114, 880–888.

Du F, Ping L, He C, Yu H, Cao J, Wu JZ*. HNP-1 involved in different oxidation mechanisms in human endothelial cells. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol. 2011, 113(4):430-435

Li X, Shang L, Wu Y, Abbas S, Li D, Netter P, Ouzzine M, Wang H, Magdalou J*. Identification of the Human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase Isoforms Involved in the Glucuronidation of the Phytochemical Ferulic Acid. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2011,26(4): 341-350.

Zhao W, Du F, Zhang M, Sun S, Yu H, Fan D*. A new recombinant human apolipoprotein E mimetic peptide with high-density lipoprotein binding and function enhancing activity. Exp Biol Med. 2011, 236(12):1468-1476.

Wu TT, Ye F, Wu DC, Xiao ZL, Zhang BF*.  Caveolin-1 re-expression reserves G0/G1 arrest in caveolin-1 knockout mesangial cells.  Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences. 2010, 15(6): 532-8. 

YU H*, Zhou CY, Li Y, Cao J, Li XM. Effect of scavenger receptor class BI on high density lipoprotein structure and function. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2010,30:e204. SCI二区期刊



黄丽丽,张百芳,叶凤,伍婷婷,曹佳,李小明 不同分子区域的caveolin-1真核表达载体构建及其对caveolin-1基因敲除小鼠系膜细胞周期的影响 武汉大学学报(医学版) 2010, 31(1): 1-5  核心期刊



ApoE-/-小鼠模型中骨关节炎的发生及其机制研究。 商亮,谢光辉,喻红*. 第十二届全国脂质与脂蛋白学术会议。中国,杭州。2014.10