章晓联1997年获香港科技大学生物化学博士学位,1997-2001在美国U. of Maryland at college Park作为博士后及研究专家,2004年期间赴日本福岛医科大学免疫学系作为访问学者。2001年作为引进人才回到武汉大学医学院免疫系工作至今。她长期从事胞内病原微生物的分子及感染免疫研究,在国际上率先发现伤寒杆菌病原毒力岛上的IV型纤毛基因操纵子和点特异重组酶基因,并阐明伤寒杆菌IV纤毛对人体细胞特异性致病机制,取得一系列国际领先水平成果。共发表核心期刊物以上论文60篇,文章被“Nature”等国际SCI杂志上文章引用112次。申请发明专利12项(已授权3项)。曾获第二届“中国青年女科学家提名奖”、“金绣球学术奖”、GTCbio Cytokines and Inflammation国际会议奖、中华医学奖、湖北杰出青年基金、武汉大学十大杰出青年等。
Xiao-Lian Zhang |
/Position |
Chair of Immunology Department, Director of Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Allergy and Immunology, Professor of State Key Laboratory of Virology Wuhan University School of Medicine, Wuhan 430071, China |
Research Field |
Infection and Immunology Glycoimmunity |
keywords of my ongoing research work |
Hepatitis C Virus Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Lectin, pathogen surface glycans Immune escape Anti-infection immunity |
Research Grants and Funding
National Outstanding Youth Foundation of China, Principle Investigator.
National Grand Program on Key Infectious Disease, Principle Investigator.
National 973 Program of China. Principle Investigator.
Prof. Xiao-LianZhang has published more than 100 professional research papers. She has applied for 42 patents and 25 patents were authorized.
Selected Publications (*: corresponding author)
1. Zhao Y, Ren Y, Zhang X, Zhao P, Tao W, Zhong J, Li Q, Zhang XL*. Ficolin-2 inhibits Hepatitis C Virus infection, whereas apolipoprotein E3 mediates viral immune escape. J Immunol.2014, 193(2):783-96 , cited by F1000Prime
2. Pan Q, Wang Q, Sun X, Xia X, Wu S, Luo F, Zhang XL*. Aptamer against mannose-capped lipoarabinomannan inhibits virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in mice and rhesus monkeys. Mol Ther. 2014, 22(5):940-51.
3. Tang XL, Zhou YX, Wu SM, Pan Q, Xia B, Zhang XL*. CFP10 and ESAT6 aptamers as effective Mycobacterial antigen diagnostic reagents. J Infect. 2014, 69: 569-580.
4. Wu SM, Ai HW, Zhang DY, Han XQ, Pan Q, Luo FL, Zhang XL*. miR-141 targets ZEB2 to suppress HCC progression. Tumour Biol. 2014, 35(10):9993-7.
5. Luo F, Sun X, Wang Y, Wang Q, Wu Y, Pan Q, Fang C, Zhang XL*. Ficolin-2 defends against virulent Mycobacteria Tuberculosis infection in vivo, and its insufficiency is associated with infection in humans. PloS One, 2013, 8 (9): e73859.
6. Yilan Hu, Fengling Luo, Junliang Fu, Tielong Chen, Shimin Wu, Yi-Dan Zhou, Xiao-Lian Zhang*. Early increased ficolin-2 concentrations are associated with severity of liver inflammation and efficacy of anti-viral therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients. Scand J Immunol 2013,77:144-150.
7. Pan Q, Chen H, Wang F , Jeza VT , Hou W, Zhao Y, Xiang T, Zhu Y, Endo Y, Fujita T, Zhang XL*L-ficolin binds to glycoproteins HA and NA and inhibits influenza A virus infection both in vitro and in vivo. J Innate Immun 2012. 4:312-24.
8. Chen HD, Zhou X, Yu G, Zhao YL, Ren Y, Zhou YD, Li Q, Zhang XL*. Knockdown of core 1 beta 1, 3-galactosyltransferase prolongs skin allograft survival with induction of galectin-1 secretion and suppression of CD8+T cells. J Clin Immunol 2012, 32:820-836.
9. Deng M, Feng S, Luo F, Wang S, Sun X, Zhou X*, Zhang XL*. Visual detection of rpoB mutations in rifampin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis using an asymmetrically split peroxidase DNAzyme. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2012.50: 3443-3450
10. Ma Y, Chen Hai-Dan, Wang Yubin, Wang Qilong, Li Yingying, Zhao Yinglan, Zhang Xiao-lian*. Interleukin 24 as a novel potential cytokine immunotherapy for the treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Microbes Infect. 2011, 13: 1099-1110.
11. Chen F, Zhao Y, Liu M, Li D, Wu H, Chen H, Zhu Y, Zhong J, Zhou Y, Qi Z, Zhang XL*. Functional Selection of Hepatitis C Virus Envelope E2 Binding Peptide Ligand Using Ribosome Display. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2010, 54: 3355-3364. cited by FACULTYof1000
12. Zhong B, Zhang L, Lei C, Li Y, Mao AP, Yang Y, Wang YY, Zhang XL, Shu HB*.The ubiquitin ligase RNF5 regulates antiviral responses by mediating degradation of the adaptor protein MITA. Immunity 2009, 30(3):397-407.
13. Ma Y, Chen H, Wang Q, Luo F, Yan J, Zhang XL* IL-24 protects against Salmonella typhimurium infection by stimulating early neutrophil Th1 cytokine production that in turn activate CD8+ T cells. Eur J Immunol 2009, 39:3357-68.
14. Chen F, Hu Y, Li D, Chen H, and Zhang XL*. CS-SELEX generates high-affinity ssDNA aptamers as molecular probes for Hepatitis C Virus envelope glycoprotein E2. PloS One, 2009, 4 (12):e8142:1-11.
15. Li DQ, Li Y, Wu X, Li Q, Yu J, Gen J, Zhang XL*. Knockdown of Mgat5 inhibits breast cancer cell growth with activation of CD4+T cells and macrophages. J Immunol 2008, 80: 3158-3165.
Contact Information
Tel.: 86-27-68759986 (O);
E-mail: zhangxiaolian@whu.edu.cn; zhangXL65@sina.com